Welcome to the Furby and Shelby
art gallery. Here you can view peices of Furby and Shelby art
created by Furby and Shelby fans. Not only can you view these very
cool pieces of art, you can also submit your own!
Uncle A-Loh sculpture created by Kristin Canney
Furby Christmas ornament created by Blu
Furby Rocks created by Morrigan, 1st Furby
neclace created by Ali and 2nd Furby necklaces created by Blu
Furby stained glass created by Tillia
Furby Christmas stocking created by Tammy
Vampire Furby T-Shirt created by Matt
(Vampire Furby created by Blu)
If you have your own pieces of
Furby or Shelby art, please feel free to send it to me. Send a
picture (in JPG format and at a reasonable size) and a description of
the art to me to my email.
I look forward to seeing your pieces of art!